What happens when a person is bored and restless? Maybe he would like to go to cinema and killa couple of hours watching a movie. But what if there are not good movies or if he has missed the screening time? Perhaps he could go for a walk. What if the day is too hot for a walk or the day is raining. The answer is simple. Reading is the answer.
A book can thrill and excite the reader, educate him, motivate him and even scare him. There are many good authors, past and present, who can toy with the emotions of their readers. A good author can make his reader laugh or cry, make him feel happy and excited or sad and depressed. Such is the power of written word in the hands of a master verbal magic. Books alone do not constitute reading matter .newspapers are probably the most widely among the written media. But the word can be a little misleading for it suggests a medium for the propagation of news. That is perfectly true, however, newspapers carry more that just the latest news. There are comic strips, advertisement, reader, comments or forum, travel el and leisure tips, and even agony aunt columns and serialized books.
Then there are magazines. Magazines for ladies, for men, lifestyle magazines, automotive magazines, computer magazines, fishing magazine, and others. There is no aspect of life not covered in written media; books, newspaper, magazines, and journals. a voracious reader will be read anything. Even the package of his daily bread or milk cartoon! Which, as a matter of fact, is a good thing, for he then he knows what goes down his gullet. And there u have it in a nutshell. One who has cultivated the reading habit need not feel lonely nor bored for he has a constant companion who is always with him; in times of health and sickness, in times of joy and sorrow.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Posted by jamdin S. at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Do We Have Too LittLe To Do ???
Many complain from people that they have too little to do in their spare time. It is a complaint made by both young people and adults. It is only too often that we hear, “what are you doing??”, “I have absolutely nothing to do and there is nothing interesting now, “and “it’s too boring. Why don’t we play a few rounds of poker.”
There are many people who lack imagination and are dependent on others for their pleasure. Such people spend hours mindlessly watching the idiot box. To enjoy yourself you have to be creative, you have to have a hobby or find things to do that would actively engage your interest. My friends there are fishing fan. They are full of energy and are constantly going to anywhere to fishing. We have our own hobby and help us to prevent to complaint about bored. Children who complain that they have nothing to do are open neglected children are given every material they want, just keep them quiet. Their cupboards are full of expensive toys. They have video tape recorders and cameras and video games. Yet, these children feel they lack something. At this age, they simply can’t know that the sense of loss they fell is the lack of their parents love and interest. Caring parents involve themselves with their children. They take their children on picnics’, play games with them and either by example or by involvement, teach them that the world is an interesting place.
He children of rich parents have money so they can buy their friends. But their cant buy their friends interest in life. Children of poor parents whose main interest in life is to make money, suffer from the same complaint. The world to them is made out to be hard place in which you must struggle to make a living. There is no time for fun. There is no time hobbies and games. Such things are waste of precious money making time. So, if you are one of those people with nothing to do, take up a sport or start collecting butterflies, matchbox cars or stamps as a hobby. Buy yourself an instamatic camera and see the world around you from s fresh angle. Don’t complain or wallow in self-pity. Get busy, organize yourself, and the world will become a very interesting place you live in. and with these I pretty sure you will enjoy your life and also with your hobby you will have friends who are just interested in your hobby too.
Posted by jamdin S. at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Different people measure success differently. To some, success means acquisition of wealth, to others, it is position and authority , a third group believes success is security and handful of people regard happiness and joyful living as success.
One definition of success for me is ‘the progressive realization of a predetermined worthy goal’. A second definition is ‘attainment of wealth, fame or position.’ both definitions have one thing in common, namely, realization or accomplishment. The person who sets his heart on wealth and works for amassing it and does not suffer any loss on account of his efforts to make money is said to have achieved success in a worldly or materialistic sense. But material gains do not attract me, even though such gains give me to spend money in carefree manner on leisure activities. Money is necessary and important in life. But I do not regard money as the be all and end all of life. One must have enough to make both ends meet, but to struggle strenuously to make more money and to spend anxious moments as to the outcome of one’s efforts is to lose one’s peace of mind. Sitting at the top of a heap of money is to sit on a powder keg one never knows when there will be a sudden explosion.
Position and power too do not attract me. A man who hankers after position and power also desires to have pelf, for power and pelf often go together. The person who sets his heart on high social position and struggles hard to attain that position will invariably resort to devious means and sacrifice his principles. He is very much like the person whose ambition is to make money. Here I have to distinguish between position sought after and that which comes unsought. One who gets fame or position or recognition without soliciting it is really a person of substance. Such a person may be described as having achieved success, for his elevation to a high is not through the adoption of devious means but through selfless and conscientious hard work. I too wish to attain success in this manner for there is much happiness in the attainment of a position of honour through selfless, hard work. The third set believes in security. Security means safety and freedom from anxiety or danger. a person who cares for security would have also to care for money, for without money there is no freedom in our present world. That is to say, one has to be as materialistic in one’s outlook as the man who looks for the success in pelf and power. I do not. Regard security as a yardsticks of success in life.
The majority of people are after wealth, position, power and security. It is only a handful of people who ignore all these worldly achievements and care for happiness. An eminent person has written an essay entitled ‘my idea of success’, in which he speaks of having attained success by means of the happiness he has derived out of the work done during his leisure and out of ‘an essential humanity’. more or less the same thought is expressed in Kipling’s poem.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute,
With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it,
And which is more you’ll be a man, my son!
Posted by jamdin S. at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Rebellious TeeNageR...
Teenagers are in the stage of development called adolescence, and are, therefore, referred to as adolescents also. Adolescence is generally considered a time of disorders. Rebelliousness is a typical characteristic of teenagers in general. Indeed the terms ‘adolescent instability’ is commonly used, as being the case. There are many children brought up sanely in earlier childhood that pass through adolescence healthily and happily. Rebelliousness is part of the disorders in adolescence. Parents are naturally worried when they find that is beyond them to control the behavior of their teenage son or daughter. The worried parents certainly require good counseling. In the absence of proper counseling, they will make the situation worse, and their son or daughter will become all the more rebellious. The first thing that I would tell the worried parents is the fact that adolescence is a time when disorders are more liable to happen then in earlier years and that the reasons for this are both physiological and physiological. Next I would tell to the parents the rapid changes taking places in the physiological organism in adolescence, which may give rise to endocrine lack of balance and produce what we may justifiably call ‘temperamental instability’ for temperament is the influence of the physiological organism upon the mental and emotional life.
Then, I would deal with the psychological reasons. first of all, the parents would be told about of the adolescent. His excessive idealism will result in kind of disillusionment in him, later in the wake of non-fulfillment of some of the ideals on which he sets his heart. Next, I would draw the parents attention to yet another reason for adolescent instability which consists in the fact that the basic impulses, such as aggressiveness and sex, develop so fast that they get beyond the adolescent’s control’s would then told to them the various factors which may cause lack of control. The first is the psychological instability already mentioned. The second and more obvious is that the youth has never learnt self discipline. Sometimes this is because he is a spoilt child and has never been disciplined, or because the parents have shown him no example of self control. People say ,’a little more discipline in childhood might have done him good’ and sometimes they are right.
However, it must not be assumed that lack of discipline is the only cause of disorders in adolescence. it is sometimes the very reverse for the same rebelliousness may occur because the child has been too rigidly disciplined, so that when he attains more freedom he revolts and kicks over the traces. Further, I would tell the parents the psychological truth that complexes formed in early childhood and latent since then are apt to the revived in adolescence and that this reason for rebelliousness. They would also be told that a great deal of disturbance in adolescence comes from conditions which are preventable, such as lack of outlets for natural energy, for it is only natural when natural urges are frustrated, they take unnatural forms.The parents would be told that they should realize that the adolescent is growing up to greater independence. He wants to go his own way, make his own decisions, and order his own life . if the parents try to keep a hold on him and interfere with his normal development by laying down the law, he will naturally resent it and kick over the traces. What they should, therefore, do in adolescence is to prepare the teenager to grow up and to be independent. Adequate advice during this period is necessary, but the adolescent is reluctant to take his parents into his confidence and to seek their advice. Therefore, the parents should hand over the teenager to someone in whom he has confidence.
Posted by jamdin S. at 11:28 AM 0 comments
About VolcanoeS......
Volcanoes result when molten material from the earth’s interior, called magma, forces its way through weakened areas in the lithosphere, that is, the earth’s rigid outer shell. All volcanoes have beneath them a magma chamber. This chamber is joined to the earth’s surface through a conduit known as a volcanic vent. The magma is extruded on to the surface with explosive force. The extruded magma is called lava, which solidifies in various forms soon after exposure to the atmosphere. In particular it does so around the vent, , building up the characteristic volcano cone.
The lava that solidify can take three different forms. The first form is a thin, plastic surface which is dragged into rope like fluids. The second form is a thick hard skin which is broken up so as to present a fragment, jagged surface. The third form is very much like the former except the letter has a much smoother surface. The gasses which escape as the magma nears the surface are often released with explosive violence, which shatters the rising material and shoots it into the air. This then falls to the ground as solid fragments. These solid fragments are known as pyroclasts, and they are of many sizes, shapes and textures. The finest particles are called dust; then, increasing size come ash and bombs. Some volcanic bombs are huge. In some cases, crust and ash can be carried much farther in the atmosphere.
Although volcanoes are frequently explosive, the explosions do not occur as sudden,rapid events. In many cases a stream of gas will rush continuously from a volcanic vent for several hours at a time, carrying pyroclastic rocks with it. In most explosions the ejected material is carried to considirerrable heights before it falls back to the surface. Volcanic activity can range from the quiet extrusion of lava to the violent ejection of pyroclastic rocks. The deposits from each activity produce their own charactheristic surface atructures. The most common type of volcano emits both lava and pyroclastic rocks at different times, and so forms a composite cone with alternating layers of the two materials. Examples are mounts etna, Vesuvius and Stromboli in Italy, and Fujiyama in japan. Volcanoes are generally restricted to belts of seismic activity. Most of the world’s active volcanoes are concentrated in areas which coincide with plate margins. These plate margins are simply large scale fissure eruptions and are called constructive palte margins. There are also destructive plate margins. Not all volcanoes are, however, associated with plate margins. Some , such as those in east Africa, occur in continental interiors. Others are scattered about the ocean floor,well away from oceanic ridges.
The reasons why volcanoes occur are not yet fully understood. One view is that the magma rises through fractures in the plates, but this in itself does not explain why such fractures exist in the first place . one possibility is that the lithosphere acts as a thin membrane which distorts, and acquires zones of wezkness, when it moves.
Posted by jamdin S. at 8:49 AM 0 comments
The hunting of animals began, or so history tells us, when caveman first learnt to make and use weapons of stone. At that time, men hunted animals for one reason, and only one reason alone, survival. He hunted down his preys, such as deer, for food and he hunted down fierce predators such as lions, tigers for self-preservation.
Later, with the advent of farms and the domestications of farm animals and poultry, and cultivation of no longer crops, human beings began to have a stable source of food without having to rely on hunting any longer. But it seems old habits die hard and since the need to hunt for survival no longer existed, he began hunting for fun! And, believe it or not, the alarming rise in the number of endangered species in the world today is a testament of how mankind has directly caused the extinction of so many unfortunate species of land and marine life, not to mention birds.
It is my staunch opinion that hunting, as they say, for sport is cruel exercise, indeed. Every life has a right to live on this planet. The only hunting excusable is that for one survival. No other life form in this 3 billion old planet of ours hunts for sport except man! As I mentioned earlier, hunting and killing of other life has always been for survival ; food and self preservation. All other species of the animal kingdom strictly adhere to this code of conduct instilled by nature except man!
It is truly sad that the only life on earth that has the ability to think out and rationalize the greatest atrocities on our beloved planet.teh so called hunters hunt for their cruel vainglory; taking home the head of some innocent beast as a trophy to hang on their walls. How many bears and tigers and other noble beasts of the wild have been shot in the name of sport!
Then there are other kinds of hunters as well. The poachers. The decimation of elephants for their tusks to serve as ornaments, the slaughter of tigers for their hides, the killing of rhinoceroses for mythical aphrodisiac value of their horn or the capture of orang utans to be sold as pets are all only samples cruel crimes against nature. These poachers hunt the animals mercilessly with the little or no regard for the fact that they are wiping out entire species of life form the face of the world to satisfy their own material greed.
Having vented so far, I would also like to point out that there are still some forms of hunting that are quite necessary. But, here again, we go back to that great code of conduct of instilled by nature to all creatures great and small. To hunt for self preservation and self defence. For example, if a terrible predator like a man eating shark is threatening our waters, or when a ferocious tiger is terrorising our farm or villages, then, of course, we have to hunt down that predator for our own safety for our very lives,in fact. Or, when some animals, like field rats, for example, infest our land and damage our crops and spread the plague, then we have to do something to get rid of them for our own survival. And with this note, I would like to conclude with this verdict: the only justification for hunting and killing of animals can only be for survival; for food or self preservation.
Posted by jamdin S. at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The MeaNinGfuL PresenT...
For Me, the most meaningful gift in my life is that life has been endowed by God .i wishing gratitude to him and a thousand blessings and mercy from it, verily Allah swt is ever Forgiving .our life is proof that God's noble creation . Now I realized how high the value of this life that Allah swt give to me. Actually I never think about this life .as teenager, I cant think of this by my own, because of it, was often asked by my peers, various types of answers that has been provided me, but no one can make me satisfied. I have also received responses from the most simple answer. At that time, my cousin and another cousin hanging at home while enjoying a cup of tea while play the guitar, I ask questions about them that is often a problem in my brains , after the question was asked, with simple word they said, "don’t think to much, this things will make you confuse," ... hahahhaha.
, because I know that honors the grace compassion on his servants. Until now I not have found the most accurate answer for me. Just let the question was playing in my brain. Just one best answer for this question is for me, facing and enjoy the joy that was given by God swt. Now,i appreciate Each step my feet ,every beat my heart, every twinge breath. I am very thankful that I reveal in and enlarge the family a happy and very caring about me. Have responsibility father, have characteristics that are pure, as well as the my mother cherish our siblings, but in the same firm when he is educating us, alhamdullilah, we all never rebelled and highly respect the them privacy. We proud with our parents who have a very intelligent when teach us .i am very lucky rights?? not only that, I also have the sisters a very caring for me, brothers who understand and always a be good member tutoring me, and do not forget also a younger brother who became my place to react as brother. not only that I am very thankful too because gave me girlfriend who love me and understand myself. For me this life, love, anguish, hard, happy, sick, healthy, responsible and kind-anything else will facing us when living this way and certainly all that will happen later stored in the memory of understanding that will make our memories at one day we will remember that things. Got piece of verse that I really like:
"This life like wheel,
Sometimes we are upper, sometimes we are under. "
Now I can educate my patience level far different from the first, when I was in primary school . young blood make people quickly hot. Its true. Now I want to be patient because I know patience is one of faith. Hope all partners and especially Islam person can inculcate noble values in our daily lives as a permanent supply at the Hereafter world .. ..
Posted by jamdin S. at 1:36 AM 0 comments
attraction men to women??
Women love to be adored and they like that men should shower all their attention on them. There is hardly a single woman on the face of the plant who does not like to be loved by a man, but what is it that attracts men to women. God has made women to be loved and has endowed her with many qualities that men seek. Here are the 4 qualities that men usually seek form women:
1. The Movements
Women are naturally gifted with a body that is graceful and they have to learn to use the same to their advantage. Men are attracted by the way a woman walks. The fluidity of their movements coupled with the gentle swinging of their hips attracts the eyes of the men like a magnet attracts iron.
Even the most simple of acts like bending up to pick something seems more graceful when performed by a woman. Their body language in everything they do is so fluid, smooth and graceful and this gets enhanced if she has a figure to match.
2. The Hair
While this may seem to be an exaggeration the long, soft and silky hair of women plays a long part in attracting men. They have hair that is more luxurious that the coarse ones their male counterparts have. There are some women who do not bother about this fact and trim their hair extremely short. While this may increase their personality a bit, it helps to reduce their sensuality.
If you are the head of a huge company and have to attend to meetings day in and day out, then this might make sense, but there are many leaders of the world, scientists and other achievers who are women and yet have long hair. Men are attracted by the flowing tresses of women and the latter should spare no pains to keep the same well maintained.
3. The Eyes & Lips
Have you ever noted how the strongest of persons go weak in the knees when a women smiles at him? God has gifted women with many assets to attract men, but these two assets of women are their biggest plus points. Women can convey many things without speaking a word just by their smile and the look of their eyes.
When one smiles, the muscles of their eyes are activated too and the eye smiles too. A man might spend a lot of time by moving his hands, feet etc. to convey a single point. Women does the same and maybe more with just a single flutter of their eyelids and if she so happens to smile at the same time, it just melts the toughest of men.
4. The Body
Women are gifted with a great figure and it takes just a small effort from their side to maintain the same. Women, dressed in clothes that enhance her figure are more likely to attract men than those who do not.
I feel sorry to say that there are many women who have stunning figures that would make eve a corpse come alive, but due to the wrong selection of their clothes they murder one of their most vital assets. Dress properly in figure enhancing clothes and see men swarm all around you.
Posted by jamdin S. at 1:22 AM 0 comments