Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Do We Have Too LittLe To Do ???

Many complain from people that they have too little to do in their spare time. It is a complaint made by both young people and adults. It is only too often that we hear, “what are you doing??”, “I have absolutely nothing to do and there is nothing interesting now, “and “it’s too boring. Why don’t we play a few rounds of poker.”
There are many people who lack imagination and are dependent on others for their pleasure. Such people spend hours mindlessly watching the idiot box. To enjoy yourself you have to be creative, you have to have a hobby or find things to do that would actively engage your interest. My friends there are fishing fan. They are full of energy and are constantly going to anywhere to fishing. We have our own hobby and help us to prevent to complaint about bored. Children who complain that they have nothing to do are open neglected children are given every material they want, just keep them quiet. Their cupboards are full of expensive toys. They have video tape recorders and cameras and video games. Yet, these children feel they lack something. At this age, they simply can’t know that the sense of loss they fell is the lack of their parents love and interest. Caring parents involve themselves with their children. They take their children on picnics’, play games with them and either by example or by involvement, teach them that the world is an interesting place.
He children of rich parents have money so they can buy their friends. But their cant buy their friends interest in life. Children of poor parents whose main interest in life is to make money, suffer from the same complaint. The world to them is made out to be hard place in which you must struggle to make a living. There is no time for fun. There is no time hobbies and games. Such things are waste of precious money making time. So, if you are one of those people with nothing to do, take up a sport or start collecting butterflies, matchbox cars or stamps as a hobby. Buy yourself an instamatic camera and see the world around you from s fresh angle. Don’t complain or wallow in self-pity. Get busy, organize yourself, and the world will become a very interesting place you live in. and with these I pretty sure you will enjoy your life and also with your hobby you will have friends who are just interested in your hobby too.